object.d file not found

Carlos Santander csantander619 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 09:33:08 PDT 2006

nobody escribió:
> In article <e7gb6t$23ea$1 at digitaldaemon.com>, Andrei Khropov says...
>> nobody wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> i have successful compiled gdc 0.1.8 .
>>> But when i compile a D programm, i get the following error message:
>>> object.d: module object cannot read file 'object.d'
>>> The object.d file is under:
>>> /usr/local/gcc-4.0/include/d/4.0.2/object.d
>>> Is there a configuration file like dmd.conf for gdc?
>> Didn't you relocate the compiler from the standard location?
>> I got the same error in that case (but with MinGW and gdcwin).
> I'm not sure what you mean with "relocate" .
> My plattform is Linux and i have configured with:
> /configure --enable-languages=c,d,c++ --prefix=/usr/local/gcc-4.0.2
> --enable-shared
> Here are the steps what i have done:
> cp gcc-4.0.2.tar.bz2 ~/D
> cd ~/D
> tar -xjf gcc-4.0.2.tar.bz2
> cp gdc-0.18.tar.gz gcc-4.0.2/gcc/
> cd gcc-4.0.2/gcc/
> tar -xzf gdc-0.18.tar.gz
> cd $\sim$/D/gcc-4.0.2
> /gcc/d/setup-gcc.sh
> cd $\sim$/D
> mkdir build
> cd build
> ../gcc-4.0.2/configure --enable-languages=c,d,c++ --prefix=/usr/local/gcc-4.0.2
> --enable-shared
> make bootstrap
> make install
> cp /usr/local/gcc-4.0.2/lib/libgphobos.a /usr/local/lib/
> cp /usr/local/gcc-4.0.2/bin/gdc /usr/local/bin/
> cp /usr/local/gcc-4.0.2/bin/gdmd /usr/local/bin/

That's what Andrei meant with relocating. Don't copy libgphobos.a, gdc and gdmd: 
leave them where they're. Add /usr/local/gcc-4.0.2/bin to your PATH instead.

Carlos Santander Bernal

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