creating static/dynamic lib (_minit remains unresolved)

Manuel König manuelk89 at
Wed Jan 17 13:14:25 PST 2007

Sean Kelly schrieb:
> Manuel König wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I've got a problem creating libraries with gdc (Windows-version). I 
>> want to build a library in D using gdc and link it against a C-program 
>> using gcc. Since the spec says I have to do some module startup I have 
>> to call _minit() like this:
>> // in library.d:
>> extern (C)
>> {
>>     void gc_init();
>>     void gc_term();
>>     void _minit();
>>     void _moduleCtor();
>> }
>> extern(C) export void initLibrary()
>> {
>>     gc_init();               _minit();        // <== initialize module 
>> list
>>     _moduleCtor();
>> }
>> As you can see I export this function, so that my C-prog can call that 
>> to initialize the library. Building the (static) library and linking 
>> it to a C-program works fine with dmd and dmc. But when I use gdc/gcc, 
>> my library compiles without errors, but linking it against my 
>> C-program gives:
>>     undefined reference to '_minit'
>> Hence this functions? implementation is not in my lib. I tried linking 
>> "libgphobos" against both gdc and gcc in any combination, but the 
>> problem remains.
>> I tried building it without this init stuff, and gdc built the 
>> library, I could link it with my C-prog and call the exported 
>> functions, but for sure it gave errors when memory got allocated 'n 
>> stuff. But this shows that its no general library creation problem, 
>> rather an unresolved external.
>> Does anyone know how to get rid of this problem? (or show me that I'm 
>> a noob and theres a totally different approach for gdc ...)
> See internal/dgccmain2.d.  GDC's startup routine is different from 
> DMD's, which suggests that a function be provided to generalize library 
> startup of D code.  However, I think what you need to do is this:
>     _STI_monitor_staticctor();
>     _STI_critical_init();
>     gc_init();
>     _moduleCtor();
>     _moduleUnitTests();
> Sean

Many Thanks, Sean. You saved more thand 11.000 lines of code! I searched 
hours for that, is there any documentation? If not, there really should 
be one!

Manuel König

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