fpcls on arm.

Vincent Richomme forumer at smartmobili.com
Mon Jul 14 14:15:42 PDT 2008

Another question is about errno because on Windows CEn it doesn't exist 
so maybe it could be interesting to test if it's supported and in this 
case to enable errno.x3.
It also implies to check code for instance in stdlib.d there is the 
following :

version (GNU)
	private import gcc.config.errno;
	alias gcc.config.errno.ERANGE ERANGE;
	enum int ERANGE = 34;	// on both Windows and linux

And I don't know why but when compiling for wince I fall into the 
version GNU...

Vincent Richomme a écrit :
> Yes that what I did but I wasn't sure.
> Now here is the remarks I have :
> 1) in std.c.windows.windows windows functions are declared in their ANSI 
> and UNICODE version but in windows CE only Unicode version exist(except 
> a few exceptions) .
> My question is should I declare a std.c.windows.windowsce where I could 
> declare only Unicode version and specific functions or should I modify 
> std.c.windows.windows and add some global precompilation variable, for 
> instance UnderCE and Unicode :
> version(Unicode)
> {
>    export
>    {
>                               lpSecurityAttributes);
>    }
> }
> else
> {
>  export
>    {
>     BOOL CreateDirectoryA(LPCSTR lpPathName, 
> LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES                                  
> lpSecurityAttributes);
>    }
> }
> and then would it be possible to keep the same logic as windows , I mean 
>  to be able to use short name (without A or W) in function of encoding.
> version(Unicode)
> {
> alias CreateDirectoryW CreateDirectory
> ..
> .
> }
> else
> {
> alias CreateDirectoryA CreateDirectory
> }
> 2) In std.thread.d and in gc/win32, the function os_query_stackBottom() 
> is implemented using x86 assembler and is not portable to other 
> architecture.
> By the way why is important to know the "bottom" of stack for the thread 
> ? Is it a hack specific to windows and if I tell you how to get bottom 
> of stack on windows CE will it work ?

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