Exceptions don't work in FreeBSD port of gdc

Nicolay Korslund korslund at gmail.com
Wed Jun 25 08:26:02 PDT 2008

I'm having this problem with OpenMW. Dmitry and myself are currently working together to port openmw to FreeBSD, but it's a bit fragile if exceptions don't work.

Can anyone confirm that this does or doesn't happen on FreeBSD? Is there any reason why gdc's exceptions shouldn't work on other unix systems? (How do they work really?)

I just want to know if we are doing something obviously wrong, before filing a bug report.


Dmitry Marakasov Wrote:

> % cat test.d 
> import std.stdio;
> void main() {
>         try  {
>                 throw new Exception("test");
>         } catch (Exception e) {
>         }
> }
> % gdc test.d 
> % ./a.out 
> [1]    98829 abort      ./a.out

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