Testing suite for gdc for D1 and D2

Vincenzo Ampolo vincenzo.ampolo at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 07:55:56 PDT 2009

Michael P.  wrote:

> One possible choice is to make 1 file, for D1 and D2, that we run 
> each release. It would have to be fairly large, testing lots of 
> things. If this compiled and ran correctly, it would mean that the 
> you made haven't affected other parts of the compiler. So, like 
> but smaller test case, and only 1 file.

Hi Michael :)

Well, i've played a bit with dstress and it's exactly what you stated, 
but instead of being in a separate file, there are many files ordered 
in subdirs which are called one by one and checked. The output is 
standard and Christian K from ldc had wrote a d program to format this 
output to an html representation.
So i think the way is to follow the dstress path and maybe add some 
Having only one large file can be painful if the lang specs change 
(like in D2). In this case, modifying a large file of all tests can be 

See you :D

Vincenzo Ampolo (goshawk)


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