GDC - who does what?

Vincenzo Ampolo vincenzo.ampolo at
Thu Jan 21 17:30:50 PST 2010

Steve Teale wrote:

> Anders, Michael, could you possibly post a summary of who does what with
> respect to GDC.

Well. Gdc starts around 2004-5 with a first release from David Friedman. It 
got developed until 2007 and then it started its decadence. I've been 
planning to contribute for a while and when Michael said that he wanted to 
contribute too in this newsgroup we made a fork on bitbucket and started 
doing our modifications. I wrote to David that helped us in understanding 
how gdc works.

Actually our branch is the only active one in the development and it's open 
to any other people which wants to contribute. Right now 5 people have 
committing rights and if you wanna commit code too i'll give right to write 
to the repo.

> There's clearly quite a bit of work going on, but it is difficult to pull
> together a picture of what is happening.

Now you should know.

> From what I've read, it seems that progress through the DMD versions could
> be speeded up by having a number of people in parallel working on the
> modifications that need to be made to get a version working. But this
> would require some measure of organization which is impossible without
> communication.

Yes. this is why we started creating an IRC channel on freenode and a 
consistent wiki page on bitbucket. I started blogging about gdc on my blog 
too with tutorial and demos about it.

The plan right now is quite simple, and it's written in the topic of our 
channel (#d.gdc): update gdc backend to gcc 4.4 and merge newest dmd 
frontend, either d1 (easier) or d2 (harder, needs a complete 
reimplementation to allow druntime).
If you feel able to help us in this development just read these guidelines and contact me to 
have write rights on the repo. Then ping us on IRC or write down proposals 
in bitbucket as "issues".


Hope it all helps.

Vincenzo Ampolo (goshawk)

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