GDC 4.3 ported to Allegrex Toolchain (PSP)

Michael Parrott baseball.mjp at
Wed Nov 3 19:25:18 PDT 2010

Paulo Wrote:

> Hi,
> I've added support to GNU D 1.0 for the MIPS Allegrex Toolchain,
> the open source PSP homebrew SDK.
> This is in a very early stage of development so you might find
> bugs. I hope i can help D to get into game development since it
> feels so much more productive than C++ (No flame wars please) :)
> You can have it from here:
> And more details on the project blog:

Great job!
I'll take a lot at it and see how it is. I have a PSP with CFW, so I am able to test it. :)

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