Unresolved symbols when program imports std.regex

Artur Skawina art.08.09 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 11:30:58 PST 2011

On 12/22/11 19:12, GrahamC wrote:
> If I import std.regex in a program, compiling with gdc gives many unresolved symbols, e.g for:
>   immutable(std.internal.uni.CodepointSet) std.internal.uni_tab.unicodeLu

Hmm, i needed a demangling filter today, and the program below compiles and runs
here just fine, using current hg gdc, on x86 (32bit) linux.

Is importing std.regex enough to trigger the build failure?

import std.stdio;
import std.regex;
import std.demangle;

immutable dsym_re = "_D([0-9]*[a-zA-Z_]+)+";

void main() {
   //enum re = ctRegex!(dsym_re, "g");       // XXX doesn't build.
   auto re = regex(dsym_re, "g");

   auto dsym(Captures!(char[], uint) cap) {  // XXX why uint?
      return demangle(cap.hit.idup);         // XXX really needs idup?
   foreach (line; stdin.byLine())
      writeln(replace!(dsym)(line, re));

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