D on the Raspberry Pi

Johannes Pfau nospam at example.com
Wed Aug 22 01:27:57 PDT 2012

Am Wed, 22 Aug 2012 08:51:08 +0200
schrieb "Stefan Frijters" <sfrijters at gmail.com>:

> As I've been messing around a fair bit with my current image (not 
> just D-related) I think will try to install a fresh one tonight. 
> Do you think it would be useful for me to try and compile without 
> the debhelper package installed, as you seem to be not completely 
> sure it's needed?

Well it's not that important, in the end it's just one package more or
less to install ;-) But if you want to try building it without the
debhelper package, the "debian/rules clean" step needs debhelper, so
you should skip that step as well (It shouldn't be necessary anyway -
I'd expect the packages to be shipped in a clean state)

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