Precompiled libraries in D

Matthew Caron Matt.Caron at
Tue Nov 20 13:58:22 PST 2012

Apologies if this is a "generic D" question, but I can't find an answer 
in any of the D documentation, and folks on this list are quite helpful.

The precompiled-library-and-header paradigm is very common in C. Is 
there a similar one in D? I've used wxd, which is a port of wxWidgets to 
D, and it builds a static .a library, which gets you half there, but 
there is no equivalent header file that gets included - just the wx.d 
file. Basically, if I'm linking against a D library, from where does the 
user-readable documentation for that library come? Is it incumbent upon 
the provider to provide Doxygen-style documentation?

(This came out of a lunchtime discussion at work - the statement was 
made that "at least the C headers keep you honest. You can't use it 
without something that a human can read". Not technically true, but the 
point is well taken. While complete source code availability doesn't 
matter for many cases (purely open source or purely internal 
commercial), it does matter when you have a company writing a library to 
be used by a client and they want a binary library + an API definition 
exposed via a header file).

Thanks in advance.
Matthew Caron, Software Build Engineer
Sixnet, a Red Lion business |
+1 (518) 877-5173 x138 office

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