using gdc under windows

Alexandr Druzhinin drug2004 at
Sun Feb 17 08:03:52 PST 2013

I'm trying to build DWT with gdc under win7 using goshawk build from 
here -
and I get the following error:

java/lang/util.d:81: Error: function java.lang.util.doVarArgFormat 
(TypeInfo[] _arguments, char* _argptr) is not callable using argument 
types (TypeInfo[],string*)

Function java.lang.util.doVarArgFormat has signature:

private String doVarArgFormat(TypeInfo[] _arguments, core.vararg.va_list 

in dmd under windows core.vararg.va_list is defined as:
     alias void* va_list;

but under GNU:
     alias __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list;

      * The argument pointer type.
     alias __gnuc_va_list va_list;

Can it be the reason of error and if so how to fix the problem?

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