Current GDC experience and questions

Artur Skawina art.08.09 at
Fri Mar 8 10:19:48 PST 2013

On 03/08/13 18:54, Iain Buclaw wrote:
> Also not needed:
> - aligned:  because D has align() for that.

D's align wasn't nearly enough last time i looked. (There were changes to
it since, but as I can't upgrade, haven't looked at the details)

> - gnu_inline, artificial:  because D has no inline keyword, nor has need for one.

always_inline is needed, the heuristics are not always enough. Of course it
should map to just "inline".

> - pure, const:  Although D has pure keyword that does not necessarily follow same as C semantics, I don't think the inclusion of these are beneficial at all.

"const" may not be needed. "pure" is useful /exactly/ because of the D semantics.

> - optimise, target:  I'm sure the guy who implemented these meant well, but I fail to see the point as to why you'd want such an attribute.

They are useful. And it reminds me that last time i looked, GDC handled "target", "tune"
etc wrongly:


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