[Bug 76] dyn. array length++ fails

Ramon spam at thanks.no
Tue Sep 3 15:29:03 PDT 2013

I was thinking anyway going back to debian (or a rolling system 
like aptosid). Mint was just a more digestible version of ubuntu 
(yuck) which again was just a cheap way to escape debians 
stubborn anti-non-free-drivers.

With open source graphic drivers now in a useable state (I don't 
care about 3D) I'm going back anyway.

As soon as it's installed and running gdc-4.8 I'll report about 
the array.length non being an lval issue.

The really, really important point for me is that GDC seems to be 
quite reliable and does support debugging. And in that regard 
Iain just today (in the other thread) gave me a lot of confidence.

Thanks again so much, Iain! ;)

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