Overhaul filename convention

Iain Buclaw ibuclaw at gdcproject.org
Mon Feb 24 09:07:21 PST 2014


I've been thinking about this in the back of my head for a while, 
but thought now would be a good time to raise it with the new 
release and impending visitor-related conversion changes.

The current naming convention for glue files is currently the 
prefix d- followed by the name. eg: d-objfile.cc.  This is the 
case for all glue files.

What I propose is to remove the prefix for all files except those 
whose role is to specifically provide an interface between the 
glue and backend, and those that share a common name with gcc or 
other frontends.

This would be something akin to:

asmstmt.cc      d-tree.def
ChangeLog       elem.cc
ChangeLog-2006  gdc.texi
ChangeLog-2007  glue.cc
ChangeLog-2008  intrinsics.cc
ChangeLog-2009  irstate.cc
ChangeLog-2010  irstate.h
ChangeLog-2011  lang.opt
ChangeLog-2012  lang-specs.h
ChangeLog-2013  longdouble.cc
codegen.cc      longdouble.h
codegen.h       Make-lang.in
config-lang.in  objfile.cc
ctype.cc        objfile.h
d-convert.cc    patches
d-dmd-gcc.h     port.cc
decls.cc        README
dfrontend       target.cc
d-gt.c          target-ver-syms.sh
d-incpath.cc    todt.cc
d-lang.cc       toir.cc
d-lang.h        typinf.cc
d-spec.c        VERSION

Any thoughts?  (I know Johannes, you are probably the only one 
affected here :)


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