Can we fix the links to or change the site?

Iain Buclaw ibuclaw at
Sat Aug 29 18:33:47 UTC 2020

On Wednesday, 26 August 2020 at 23:37:24 UTC, James Lu wrote:
> Hello,
> The links on the D IRC channel as well as 
> for GDC all point to 
>, which last appears to be 
> updated several years ago.
> Can we archive the old site and make GDC's website redirect to, 
> say, a GCC 11 nightly build? Perhaps it should also have some 
> information on what features are missing and/or the DMDFE 
> version.
> It looks bad to have one of the main compilers point to a 
> website with downloads timestamped "2016."

There's pending changes to move them to an /old path on the site 
[1], but have not gotten round to pushing it live.

While I don't provide any automated build service, there does 
exist some build tools within the gdc infrastructure code [2], if 
someone wants to do some work to create a pipeline for binary 
builds, please give a shout out and I'll provide a server in 
order to get that done.


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