Yet another effort at translating the Win32 API headers

Stewart Gordon Stewart_member at
Sat Apr 1 15:16:32 PST 2006

In article <e0k60o$hrq$1 at>, jcc7 says...
> I think having a dsource project for this is a very good idea.
> When you mention resurrection, do you mean like Core32.  (For the 
> record, I don't think that Core32 is dead, but it might be 
> sleeping.  Or just lazy.)

There are a number of problems with some of the existing translations:
- how some of the content gets lost in translation
- arcane, undocumented features, e.g.  version (STANDALONE) in Core32
- as you say, copyright issues

Making a clean start is a good way to avoid these.  This is kind of 
what I was trying to do by starting from MinGW and by writing a wiki 
page to coordinate the effort.

> Or maybe you mean Deimos?  That idea never really took off, but it 
> was supposed to be a place to submit files that might become part 
> of Phobos.

I'm a bit confused about what Deimos was supposed to be.  Most 
claimed that it's just a name for the etc section of the standard 
library.  Others used it to mean Arcane Jill's big integer library, 
which was filed in etc but never made it into any official DMD 
distribution.  (Does anyone have any idea where Jill is these days?)


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