DMD 0.154 release

BCS BCS_member at
Thu Apr 13 14:22:34 PDT 2006

Walter Bright wrote:
> Had to do an update since --gc-sections broke exception handling.
> Also, 'I' and 'l' integer suffixes are deprecated, because in many fonts 
> they are indistinguishable from each other and from '1'.

I is anyone else haveing probles with .154 on linux?

this compiles

import std.stdio;
void main()
writef("hello world\n");

this compiles on winXP but not linux

void main()
	auto s = new BugStream();
class BugStream : Stream

	size_t readBlock(void* buffer, size_t size){}

	size_t writeBlock(void* buffer, size_t size){}

	bool seekable(){return false;}

	ulong seek(long offset, SeekPos whence)
		throw new SeekException("BugStream can't seek");


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