ANNOUNCEMENT: GNU-D opens up shop

Anders F Björklund afb at
Sat Apr 29 02:13:39 PDT 2006

Gabe McArthur wrote:

> So, here it is!  I've created the basic (and quite ugly) site for the new
> site.  I hope to have a lot of people participating in this new
> movement, so I'll be creating Wikis, Trac sites for GNU-D projects (including
> the GDC, I think), SVN annonymous access for checkouts, customizable project
> homepages, etc.  As people become involved, of course, they will be given
> check-in/versioning rights to repositories and management over their own project
> sites.  I will be putting up a wiki in the next couple of days outlining what I
> feel our first steps should be.  For instance, as to the issue of liscenses, I
> think it best to use the LGPL for the majority of our libraries and the GPL for
> our main projects (gdc, a build mechanism, an IDE).

Like many others on these newsgroups, I'm also a little confused...

We've talked about gettting a new home page for GDC, since the current
one needs a face lift and more diskspace/bandwidth to host the binaries.
It would also be a good thing to gather all the different builds of GDC 
under a common "umbrella" GDC site, so that it would be easier to find.

I have also been working on extending the "toolchain" for GDC, with both 
the GNU Debugger (gdb) and GNU Make (3.80) and what else that you need.
These are all GPL or LGPL license, so they match the "GNU" banner well.
Along with some of D documentation written for Wiki4D, all FDL licensed.

But this project/site ( seems to be about something different?
It looks like "yet another" repository, in addition to the ones that we 
already have: Dsource and SourceForge. And I don't think we need that,
at least not without a totally different spin or concept attached to it.

My work includes working with an existing IDE (Code::Blocks) and with an 
existing GUI (wxWidgets), instead of starting yet another new project...
But those two already have sites ( and, and 
development on the D versions is already being hosted on SourceForge ?

However, would work *great* as the new GNU D Compiler site...

Then it could hold the tools and documentation for compiler toolchain, 
and Dsource could continue to do what it is good at: hosting projects.
I was thinking something like this site:

We've already discussed packaging on the other newsgroups (d.D / D.gnu),
but it includes the packaging for Linux, Cygwin (Win) and Darwin (Mac).
Documentation would be how to set up the compiler and getting started ?

IMHO: I think this would much be more useful than another "committee".


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