ANNOUNCEMENT: GNU-D opens up shop (LGPL)

Don Clugston dac at
Sat Apr 29 09:19:20 PDT 2006

Anders F Björklund wrote:
> Don Clugston wrote:
>> Personally, I'm OK with the GPL, when appropriate. (For example, I 
>> think it makes sense for an IDE to be under a GPL license). However, 
>> I'm much more disturbed by the LGPL: I believe it's a completely 
>> inappropriate license for libraries (in fact, inappropriate for *any* 
>> purpose).
> Out of curiosity, what do you think of the wxWidgets License ?
> (it is LGPL, with an exception to allow for static linking too)

It is much better. The prohibition against static linking is IMHO the 
most absurd condition in any license I've seen (with the possible 
exception of the Arse licence used by Deimos). But having a license with 
an exception just seems complicated to me.

> --anders

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