style sheets

pragma pragma_member at
Sun Jun 4 15:28:30 PDT 2006

In article <e5vkpt$2kf2$1 at>, Unknown W. Brackets says...
>CSS hacks are evil.  They are worse than the C++ preprocessor because 
>they are undocumented.

The problem you cite is due to the *exact* same phenomenon that web developers
have to cope with.  The more compilers/browsers you support, the more you have
to dance around all the quirks and deviations from the specification.
Unfortunately, the code that adheres to the strictest interpretation of any such
supported standard will have the hardest time as they will have to bend over
backwards avoiding all of these compatibility problems.  Its possible, but not
always practical.

I agree that CSS hacks are a technique that should be avoided if possible.  But
a smart coder can always stack the rules such that they degrade *twoards*
compliance.  The hack I outlines does just this: if IE were patched to do the
right thing, the page would still render correctly. :)

- EricAnderton at yahoo

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