D has moved up to number 18!

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 5 20:26:45 PDT 2006

"Dave" <Dave_member at pathlink.com> wrote in message

> I can't say why those have jumped up like they have, except to say that 
> maybe it had something to do with TIOBE revising their query(ies) a while 
> back.

That's possible - I wiki'ed FoxPro, and in fact, it was only in December of 
last year that FoxPro even made it into the top 20.  So something weird had 
to have happened.

> I think both Cold Fusion and Foxpro still get some pretty heavy use out 
> there - I suspect there's *a lot* of legacy applications still in use, and 
> a lot of independent developers (CF) and small software shops (Foxpro) 
> using them.

Yeah, my father does still do some FoxPro from time to time when he's 
working on some small bussiness's databases (he's been a database engineer 
for umpteen years..). 

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