My D Blog is Back

Serg Kovrov dyh at
Wed Mar 29 01:42:58 PST 2006

Hi Mike, it's good to see you're blog activity is back =)

Among the other things hope to see compilations about this newsgroup 
events and movements there. If there was some place where we can read 
about D community tendencies, Walter's responses, etc., it will save us 
lot time to actually code our projects in D =)

Mike Parker wrote:
> My D blog, The One With D, was inactive for 3 weeks while I was on a 
> trip back to the States to visit family. It slipped my mind to make a 
> post about it before I left. If you were a subscriber, it's not dead. 
> I'm back and so is the blog.
> If you aren't aware of it, most of my posts there are about things I 
> think are interesting from the newsgroups or DSource. I'd like to add 
> more variety to it, like opinions, tips, tricks and so forth. For now 
> though, it's not much more than a convenient means of picking up recent 
> NG announcements (such as new DMD versions and new projects) in a single 
> feed. Point your browser to if you are 
> interested.

ps. I'm subscribed via rss feed (great thing, real time saver)


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