my opinion on secrecy of D license

Dave Dave_member at
Thu May 25 19:58:45 PDT 2006

>     DMD, the compiler, is free to download and use but your not supposed 
> to redistribute it.
>     Phobos, the standard lib, is mostly open source. You can (I'm almost 
> positive) use it in any project, change it, recompile it, redistribute 
> it or print it out and use it to decorate you room. Provided you don't 
> lie about where it came from or what it is.
>     The D spec. (the actual text) is copywriter. However using it to 
> make a new D compiler is more than OK. In fact, I expect we'd all be 
> really happy if you did that.
> To the rest of us:
>     If this guy (who appears top have done a more than cursory 
> examination of the docs) has trouble figuring these things out. Maybe we 
> need to take another look at it.

This comes up often enough that I think a mini-FAQ should be added right 
by the download links summing up what you've mentioned above. Something 

License summary

- You can distribute anything compiled w/ DMD in any way you see fit as 
long as you follow licensing restrictions (if any) on your applications 
source code.
- DMD is non-distributable except by Digital Mars or authorized affiliates.
- The DMD compiler front-end is open source. However, <license 
restrictions here>.

Phobos (a D language standard library implementation packaged w/ DMD)
- You can distribute anything built w/ DMD in any way you see fit as 
long as you follow licensing restrictions (if any) on your applications 
source code.
- Phobos is open-source, but you must follow the license restrictions 
found at the beginning of each module to distribute any Phobos source code.

DMD and Phobos Documentation
- The DMD and Phobos documentation is provided publicly for your use.
- You may distribute the DMD and Phobos documentation under the terms of 
<whatever the license is>.

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