my opinion on secrecy of D license

Georg Wrede georg.wrede at
Tue May 30 16:55:32 PDT 2006

Dejan Lekic wrote:
>> i am not asking you to make D OpenSource, i am asking you to be clear. 
>> Keeping
>> users of D confused will not make things better and only making things
> Nobody is confused about the license. libphobos is completely free and 
> that is the only thing "user" should care about, because that is the 
> only thing that might be deployed together with executable (or linked 
> together).


Everybody is confused about the license. Except for the old-timers in 
this newsgroup.

I wrote a draft for Walter a couple of weeks ago, so he'd put it on the 
DM website. PROMINENTLY. Until he does that, we'll just have to answer 
all these (IMHO valid) questions over and over again.


PS: the draft was carefully thought-out, and should be usable as-is.

If we'd even begin to appreciate how much FUD the "opaque" D/DMD 
licensing thing generates at large, we'd fix it for good, right now.

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