DMD 0.170 release

Tom S h3r3tic at
Tue Oct 17 16:25:03 PDT 2006

Reiner Pope wrote:
> Tom S wrote:
>> void each(int[] a, void delegate(int) dg, inout void* ret) {
> It would be good to support non-void delegates as well, for things with 
> predicates, like map, fold, and sort:
>  int fold(int[] a, int start, void delegate(int, int) dg, inout void* ret)
>  and
>  fold(myList, 0) (a, b) { yield a + b; } // Yield returns a value from 
> the delegate, as opposed to returning from the enclosing function

I think it's a great idea and it adds a whole new dimension to the 
proposal !

> Note that with some predicates shouldn't be able to control the flow of 
> code, so I think that last parameter (inout void* ret) should be 
> optional -- if the last parameter is a delegate, then break and return 
> can't be used within the delegate.

Another good idea :)

>>     each (arr) (int a) {
> Of course, this should be type-inferred so you just need to write
> each (arr) (a) { ... }
>   or
> arr.each (a) { ... }

Sure thing :)

I'm not yet fully convinced if trailing delegates should be allowed 
implicitly, just because a function's signature matches some criteria. A 
special keyword like 'trailing' could be used for it. Of course, because 
of a lack of a better keyword at the moment, we could just call it 
'static' <g>

Tomasz Stachowiak

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