Tango 0.97 RC1 released

Justin C Calvarese technocrat7 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 15:43:58 PDT 2007

Gregor Richards wrote:
> Jeff wrote:
>> While I'm at it, I'll mention a pipe dream of mine, too: programs that 
>> use both? If the libraries were adequately segmented, this could be 
>> possible, no? :)
> I've created a compatibility layer, tangobos. It's mainly intended for 
> porting (since porting incrementally is infinitely easier than porting 
> in one blow), but I think it could also be useful for using Phobos 
> libraries which you don't control in a Tango app, since it would be a 
> bit silly to maintain a fork of an active app just because it doesn't 
> use the right core library.
> It's a bit controversial though :P

I think Tangobos is an excellent idea. Tango appears to be a powerful 
library, but I'm already used to Phobos. So it'd be nice to still be 
able to fall back on some Phobos functions as I try to learn more about 

For example, I was trying to write a simple example using Tango, and I 
quickly discovered that I was having a hard time figuring out how to do 
anything. It's not than I think that Tango is inferior in any way to 
Phobos, it's just that I've become accustomed to the "Phobos way". If I 
want to replace one set of characters with another set of characters, I 
knew that all I have to do is use the replace function in std.string. 
When I tried to do a similar operation with Tango, I felt and 
embarrassed at my ineptitude (I suspect it's a simple matter of using a 
String object and using the right member function, but I couldn't get 
anything to work).

I had similar problems when I was first trying to learn how Phobos works 
(along with the additional problems of being new to D and D being such a 
young language). For some reason, I thought those days were behind me, 
but I forgot that every library is going to have it's own style. And 
learning the style can take some time and effort.

> Tangobos doesn't have a home page yet, but stay tuned.

I'll be waiting.

>  - Gregor Richards
> PS: Yes, I love Tango, and am indeed a Tango team member, I'm just also 
> a realist.


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