DSSS and Rebuild 0.64 released.

Gregor Richards Richards at codu.org
Sun Apr 22 11:52:22 PDT 2007

Bill Baxter wrote:
> Gregor Richards wrote:
>> DSSS, the D Shared Software System, is a tool to ease the building, 
>> installation, configuration and acquisition of D software.
>> This past week, DSSS has taken a huge portion of my life. I've closed 
>> the tickets that were actual bugs, and implemented several (but not 
>> all) of the feature requests. It's now at a fairly stable resting 
>> point, so there won't be another release for a while unless there's a 
>> very good reason (I do have other commitments ;) ). Anyway, here's 
>> DSSS and Rebuild 0.64.
>> The changelog:
>>         - Rebuild: Added "rerun" mode, which acts like a more robust 
>> rdmd (see
>>           ticket #28).
>>         - Rebuild: <prefix>/include/d is always included automatically 
>> in the
>>           import path, so that rebuild can be used more easily in 
>> isolation
>>           with DSSS-installed software.
>>         - Added `dsss net depslist` command.
>>         - Made `dsss uninstall` explicitly require an argument.
>>         - Rebuild: Fixed -K flag (see ticket #56).
>>         - Rebuild: Made --prefix=<absolute path> work properly on 
>> Windows when
>>           backslashes are used (see ticket #53).
>> As per usual, more information and downloads are available at:
>> DSSS: http://www.dsource.org/projects/dsss/
>> Rebuild: http://www.dsource.org/projects/dsss/wiki/Rebuild
>>  - Gregor Richards
> One thing I've been meaning to ask -- is it not possible for dsss to 
> update itself using 'dsss net install'?
> --bb

Not right now. There's a ticket on it.

  - Gregor Richards

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