Run your unit tests individually using Flute

Robert Fraser fraserofthenight at
Sun Dec 9 00:20:34 PST 2007

Kris wrote:
> "Robert Fraser" <fraserofthenight at> wrote
>>> Very, very nice ...
>> Okay, I can sense the sarcasm, but as I said this is a WIP,
> ??
> Woah there ... that was a sincere compliment, Robert. I truly think what 
> you've done is awesome, just like the Descent work. Sorry if it came across 
> any other way ...

Oh, I'm sorry I misunderstood. Thanks for the complement.

Tested it with Tango 0.99.1, 0.993 and Phobos in 1.024, works fine in 
all. Does NOT compile under D2 (likely under any version). I may add a 
version(CommandLine), so any updates can be usd in the CL version.

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