D has now surpassed C++ in overall performance

janderson askme at me.com
Thu Feb 1 18:17:12 PST 2007

Andreas Kochenburger wrote:
> John schrieb:
>> D has now surpassed C++ in overall performance at the "Computer 
>> Language Shootout" website. This change came about with the upgrade to 
>> 1.004 from 1.000 (I'm guessing because of the new GC).  
>> http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/gp4/benchmark.php?test=all&lang=all&calc=Calculate&xfullcpu=1&xmem=1&xloc=0&binarytrees=1&chameneos=1&message=1&fannkuch=1&fasta=1&knucleotide=1&mandelbrot=1&meteor=0&nbody=1&nsieve=1&nsievebits=1&partialsums=1&pidigits=1&recursive=1&regexdna=1&revcomp=1&spectralnorm=1&hello=0&sumcol=1 
> The shootout is a fun project. IMO the results depend too much on the 
> enthusiasts who participate and continue optimizing algorithms in their 
> favourite language. BigForth and the meteor benchmark is just a recent 
> example.
> And the expressiveness of a language isn't even a criterion!

I find the D and C++ the most interesting because the code is almost the 
same in most cases (at least in the examples).  Of course both languages 
could implement C versions of the algorithms to get the top level of 


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