DMD 1.005 release [security concerns about ImportExpressions]

Hasan Aljudy hasan.aljudy at
Tue Feb 6 23:11:23 PST 2007

Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
> On Tue, 06 Feb 2007 06:54:18 +0200, Walter Bright <newshound at> wrote:
> Hmm. What would prevent someone from writing programs like:
>    writef(import("/etc/passwd"));
> and trick someone to compile this program for them (under the pretext that they don't have a D compiler, for example) to steal the user list (or the contents of any other file with a known absolute or relative path on the victim's system)?
> IMO, the compiler should at least issue a warning when importing a file not located in/under the source file's directory. Although, if the source emits a lot of pragma(msg) messages, the warning might get cluttered by those - or this might be concealed in a large program with a lot of files. A better security-wise solution is to disallow importing files outside the source file's directory, unless specified by the user on the command-line.

Well, theoretically nothing prevents someone from writing a virus in C++ 
and trick someone to compile and run it.

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