Multidimensional Arrays

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Fri Feb 16 21:04:33 PST 2007

Oskar Linde wrote:
> I have been implementing a strided multidimensional array type and am 
> interested in comments.
> It is basically designed after Norbert Nemec's suggestion:
> +/- some things.
> The basic array type looks like this:
> struct Array(T,int dims = 1) {
>     T* ptr;
>     size_t[dims] range;
>     ptrdiff_t[dims] stride;
>     const dimensions = dims;
>     alias T ElementType;
>     ...
> }

Hey Oskar,
I've been working on implementing something similar.  I'd be interested 
to see some parts of your implementation.
Mine's at

The main difference between our approaches seems to be that I've made 
'dims' non-const (and therefore not a template parameter).

I thought that would be better since sometimes it's handy to reshape a 
1-d array into an equivalent 2d Nx1 or 3-d Nx1x1.  And you have the 
potential to do broadcasting more easily that way too (E.g. multiply an 
N dim 1-d array times an Nx5 array just by duplicating the one axis 
implicitly).  The down side is that range and stride then become dynamic 
arrays.  I guess with your approach you can create a new view with the 
right # of dims when needed.  On the other hand that probably means you 
need more templated member functions, parameterized by Array dimension.

Another tradeoff is that I can also have indexing and slicing return 
arrays of different dimension, but I can't have indexing return a single 
element (because the return type of opIndex is Array not float and you 
can't have two different return types).  Instead I overloaded opCall for 
that.  So M(4,3) is the value of element 4,3, but M[4,3] is a 1-element 

I also made it a class in the end, though I started out with it being a 
struct.  Partly that decision was motivated by the idea that generally I 
don't really want to pass 6 or more 32-bit numbers around by value, plus 
the presence of pointer member data, so using a class seemed reasonable. 
  Having to remember to say 'new' everywhere has been a pain, though.

I have mine hooked up with some basic BLAS routines -- the routines for 
VV, MV, and MM multiplication, and the simplest least squares and linear 
system solvers.  I don't know of any 80-bit capable BLAS, but really 
single precision is good enough for most of what I do.  Double is mostly 
overkill, but I use it to be sure.


> Usage:
> Initialization
> // Create a 3x3 array
> auto A = Array!(int,2)(3,3);
> //This could use a nicer syntax
> A.assign(5,6,7,
>          3,1,9,
>          8,8,1);
> writefln("A = %s",A.toString);
> /*
> A = (3x3)
>       5        6        7
>       3        1        9
>       8        8        1
> */
> auto B = Array!(int,2)(3,3);
> B.assign(0,0,1,
>          0,2,1,
>          7,8,9);
> Element wise operators:
> writefln("A*B = %s",(A*B).toString);
> Scalar operators:
> writefln("5*B = %s",(5*B).toString);
> As in Norberts proposal:
> C.transpose returns a transposed array view (all dimensions reversed)
> C.transpose(dimA,dimB) swaps dimension dimA and dimB
> C.diag returns a N-1 dimensional view of the diagonal of the matrix. 
> E.g. a 5x5 identity matrix:
> // Zeros is just a convenience wrapper to generate a zero initialized array
> Auto A = zeros!(int)(5,5);
> A.diag[] = 1;
> writefln("A = %s",A.toString);
> A = (5x5)
>       1        0        0        0        0
>       0        1        0        0        0
>       0        0        1        0        0
>       0        0        0        1        0
>       0        0        0        0        1
> C.reverse(dim) reverses the given dimension (inverts the stride)
> Indexing and slicing:
> auto D = Array!(int,3)(7,7,7); // 7x7x7 dimensional array
> D[1,2,3] => int
> D[1,2,all] => 7 dimensional slice
> D[1,all,all] => 7x7 dimensional slice
> D[range(1,end-1), all, range(1,end-1)] => 5x7x5 dimensional subarray
> D[end-1, range(end-3,end-1), all] => 2x7 dimensional slice
> End works in the same way as $ does for regular arrays.
> range(a,b) is the replacement for a..b (D doesn't support mixed 
> indexing/slicing otherwise)
> Slices/subarrays are of course views that share the same data:
> auto M = zeros!(int)(4,4);
> M[range(0,2), range(0,2)][] = 1;
> M[range(2,end), range(2,end)][] = 1;
> writefln("M = %s", M.toString);
> M = (4x4)
>       1        1        0        0
>       1        1        0        0
>       0        0        1        1
>       0        0        1        1
> .dup => Returns a compact copy of the array
> In place map over a function:
> M.doMap((int y){return 1<<y;});
> Functional map:
> writefln("cos(M) = %s",;
> cos(M) = (4x4)
>  0.5403   0.5403   1.0000   1.0000
>  0.5403   0.5403   1.0000   1.0000
>  1.0000   1.0000   0.5403   0.5403
>  1.0000   1.0000   0.5403   0.5403
> Foreach iteration:
> auto N = zeros!(int)(5,5);
> int i = 0;
> foreach(inout x; N)
>   x = ++i;
> Of course, custom types are supported. Some examples just for fun: :)
> auto Q = ones!(Rational!(long))(5,5) * 3;
> writefln("Q/N = %s",(Q/N).toString);
> Q/N = (5x5)
>       3      3/2        1      3/4      3/5
>     1/2      3/7      3/8      1/3     3/10
>    3/11      1/4     3/13     3/14      1/5
>    3/16     3/17      1/6     3/19     3/20
>     1/7     3/22     3/23      1/8     3/25
> auto U = zeros!(Uncertain!(double))(4,4);
> double val = -8;
> foreach(inout T;U) {
>     // +- 10% uncertainty + 0.1
>     T += Uncertain!(double)(val,abs(0.1*val)+0.1);
>     val += 1;
> }
> writefln("U = %s",U.toString);
> U = (4x4)
>   (-8.0 ± 0.9)    (-7.0 ± 0.8)    (-6.0 ± 0.7)    (-5.0 ± 0.6)
>   (-4.0 ± 0.5)    (-3.0 ± 0.4)    (-2.0 ± 0.3)    (-1.0 ± 0.2)
>     (0. ± 0.1)     (1.0 ± 0.2)     (2.0 ± 0.3)     (3.0 ± 0.4)
>    (4.0 ± 0.5)     (5.0 ± 0.6)     (6.0 ± 0.7)     (7.0 ± 0.8)
> writefln("U/U = %s",(U/U).toString);
> U/U = (4x4)
>    (1.0 ± 0.2)     (1.0 ± 0.2)     (1.0 ± 0.2)     (1.0 ± 0.2)
>    (1.0 ± 0.3)     (1.0 ± 0.3)     (1.0 ± 0.3)     (1.1 ± 0.4)
>    (nan ± inf)     (1.1 ± 0.4)     (1.0 ± 0.3)     (1.0 ± 0.3)
>    (1.0 ± 0.3)     (1.0 ± 0.2)     (1.0 ± 0.2)     (1.0 ± 0.2)
> auto V = zeros!(Voltage)(4,4);
>   val = 0;
>   foreach(inout v; V) {
>     v = val * volt;
>     val += 0.1;
>   }
> auto R = zeros!(Resistance)(4,4);
>   val = 100;
>   foreach(inout r; R) {
>     r = val * ohm;
>     val *= 2;
>   }
> writefln("V = %s",V.toString);
> writefln("R = %s",R.toString);
> writefln("V/R = %s",(V/R).toString);
> V = (4x4)
>             0 V           100 mV           200 mV           300 mV
>          400 mV           500 mV           600 mV           700 mV
>          800 mV           900 mV         1e+03 mV            1.1 V
>           1.2 V            1.3 V            1.4 V            1.5 V
> R = (4x4)
>           100 Ω            200 Ω            400 Ω            800 Ω
>          1.6 kΩ           3.2 kΩ           6.4 kΩ          12.8 kΩ
>         25.6 kΩ          51.2 kΩ           102 kΩ           205 kΩ
>          410 kΩ           819 kΩ          1.64 MΩ          3.28 MΩ
> V/R = (4x4)
>             0 A           500 µA           500 µA           375 µA
>          250 µA           156 µA          93.7 µA          54.7 µA
>         31.2 µA          17.6 µA          9.77 µA          5.37 µA
>         2.93 µA          1.59 µA           854 nA           458 nA
> Comments:
> The only tricky part about all this was getting opIndex working with 
> compile time variadic arguments. I have not yet gotten DMD to inline the 
> generated indexing functions, but it should be doable as they are all 
> trivial. I have not been able to pursue this due to a DMD inlining bug 
> that in some cases generates "xx is not an lvalue" when compiling with 
> -inline.
> The main issue that remains is op_r operators that have to work a bit 
> differently from non _r operators(*).
> I see this all more as a proof of concept than anything else. If anyone 
> is interested in the sources, I will find a way to put them up somewhere.
> Future extensions would be writing Matrix types, and possibly hook them 
> up with a BLAS library. Anyone know if there exists BLAS implementations 
> that supports 80-bit reals?
> Other things I want to look at are adding stride support to the range() 
> type and investigate the possibilities of generating expression templates.
> *) Currently, if you have an:
> opAdd(T)(T x) {...}
> you can't also have an:
> opAdd_r(T)(T x) {...}
> since this will create ambiguous overloads. I find myself wanting to 
> define opAdd_r for all cases where there are no regular non _r operator, 
> but there is (AFAIK) no way to do that.
> I would go as far as suggesting a change to D: If both a matching opX 
> and a matching opX_r overload exists, the opX overload is chosen. This 
> will demote the opX_r overloads a bit and is consistent with the way 
> commutative operators work, where if for example no a.opAdd(b) exists, 
> b.opAdd(a) is called.
> /Oskar

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