Ddbg 0.0.2 alpha release

Robin Allen r.a3 at ntlworld.com
Mon Feb 26 06:59:08 PST 2007

Jascha Wetzel wrote:
> Robin Allen wrote:
>> Nice! One issue I had with the arguments, though; if I pass one argument
>> to ddbg after my exe name, then my exe receives exactly one argument. By
>> convention shouldn't it receive its own name *then* the argument? I bet
>> a lot of programs just start checking for arguments at args[1]; I know
>> mine do.
> hm, i can't reproduce that. could you give an example program and the
> command you use to call ddbg with it?

--- main.d:

import std.stdio;

void main(char[][] args)
	writefln("%s args",args.length);
	foreach(arg; args)
		writefln("  %s",arg);


D:\Dev2\test>dmd -g main
d:\dmd\bin\..\..\dm\bin\link.exe main,,,user32+kernel32/co/noi;

D:\Dev2\test>d:\ddbg\ddbg main.exe spam1 spam2 spam3
ntdll.dll loaded
KERNEL32.dll loaded
USER32.dll loaded
GDI32.dll loaded
Unknown breakpoint hit at ntdll.dll (0x7c901230)
ShimEng.dll loaded
IMM32.dll loaded
ADVAPI32.dll loaded
RPCRT4.dll loaded
LPK.dll loaded
USP10.dll loaded
msvcrt.dll loaded
3 args
Process terminated


Shouldn't that be 4 args? What happened to spam1? :O


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