Futurism lib (futures in D)

Kevin Bealer kevinbealer at gmail.com
Sun Jan 21 06:19:26 PST 2007

I posted my future implementation dsource.org.  It's called "Futurism".  Here
is a simple example of using it:

int main()
    // Create a pool of 5 threads
    ThreadPool P = new ThreadPool(5);
    scope(exit) P.stop;

    alias Future!(char[]) FVec;

    char[] a = args[1], b = args[2], c = args[3];

    // Starting reading two files at once:
    FVec f1 = new FVec({ return cast(char[]) read(a); });
    FVec f2 = new FVec({ return cast(char[]) read(b); });

    int total_length = f1.value.length + f2.value.length;

    writefln("total length is %s", f1.value.length + );

    return 0;

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