Simple and quite easy to use iterator library for D

Witold Baryluk baryluk at
Sun Jan 28 10:24:37 PST 2007


documentation and samples included.

Feel free to comment, providing bug report, or nice examples. :)

Performance note: about 5% slowdown in comparison to hand writen loops.


 class Naturals(int n) {
    int iter() {
       for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) yield(i); 
       return 0;
    mixin mainiter!(int, iter);   // mixin iterator's stuff
  foreach (int x; new Naturals!(10)()) {

Multiple iterators:

  class MNaturals(int n) {
   int iter2(Iterator!(double) x) {
       for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) x.yield(i*i);
       return 0;
   mixin inneriter!(double, iter2) squers;
   int iter3(Iterator!(double) x) {
       for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) x.yield(i*i*i);
       return 0;
   mixin inneriter!(double, iter3) qubes;
  auto s = new MNaturals!(10)();
  foreach (int x; s.squers.ic()) {
  foreach (int x; s.qubes.ic()) {

Witold Baryluk

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