Communicating Sequential Processes + D = DCSP

Joel C. Salomon JoelCSalomon at
Tue Jan 30 18:48:40 PST 2007

Mikola Lysenko wrote:
> DCSP is a lightweight concurrency library that I wrote last summer. 
> While most threading libraries seek to avoid concurrency or eliminate it 
> entirely, DCSP takes a slightly different approach.  The idea grew from 
> the work I did on StackThreads and is inspired by C.A.R. Hoare's 
> Communicating Sequential Processes and Robin Milner's Pi-Calculus.  In 
> DCSP, concurrency is the essential feature of program design.  This is 
> not as absurd as it initially sounds, since many programs are innately 
> concurrent.

Have you used Plan 9’s threading libraries at all (on Plan 9 or ported 
to UNIX) or Inferno/Limbo threading?  Can you compare the models?


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