x86_64 support please!

Kiriakos Alexoglou wiliams at otenet.gr
Fri Mar 2 04:22:55 PST 2007

Please Walter add support for x86_64!

I use Suse Linux 10.0 and developing in Qt and
I want to try make Qt bindings for dmd.

The bindings that exist for Qt right now,
can all work with x86_64 architectures.

In my personal opinion x86_64 support is
more important than adding additional feutures to dmd.

Right now I have to switch to the 32 bit version of Qt 4.2
and start making the bindings for it. I have no other choice.

There are so many additional registers waiting to get used
by all of us! :-)

Thank you for the exciting D language
you offered to all of us!
Keep up the good work!!!

*I think the D Logo with the Dolphin on it at
http://www.sukimashita.com/d/ is very nice!!!

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