Emacs & D wiki update

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Fri Mar 2 14:23:34 PST 2007

Sean Kelly wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> The bizarre thing is that I actually like the way it highlights D code 
>> *better* than Ben Hinkle's d-mode.  That's really bizarre.  I think 
>> it's just that's because it's based on emacs 22's cc-mode, so really 
>> all I'm seeing is the upgraded cc-mode at work.
>> So realizing this, I decided to try to update Ben Hinkle's mode.  It 
>> now works for me at least in both Emacs 21 and 22.    You can get it 
>> here:
>>    http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?EditorSupport/EmacsDMode
>> Hopefully that will work for you.   If not, maybe tell me what version 
>> of emacs you have (M-x version) and what version of cc-mode you have 
>> (M-x c-version).  But honestly I'm not really much of an elisp hacker. 
>> I know just enough to be dangerous.  :-)
> I'll give it a try.  The problem I ran into with the old d-mode was that 
> it didn't auto-indent some things properly, and Emacs tends to be pretty 
> heavy-handed in how it does auto-indenting.  With any luck this one will 
> work better.

I did get one response on the cc-mode list with a pointer to a "modern" 
csharp mode:

It looks good.  I recommend updating that.  If you don't do it I will.
Then we can just have 2 d-modes, one for cc-mode 5.30+, and leave the 
current one for old cc-mode.


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