Ddbg 0.0.4 alpha release

Sean Kelly sean at f4.ca
Sat Mar 10 09:13:31 PST 2007

Jascha Wetzel wrote:
> dmain2.d has another problem:
> even with cr_trapExceptions=false, exceptions get handled. they just get
> thrown again after being caught. therefore the stacktrace to the actual
> location of the problem gets lost.

Darnit.  I was afraid of this, but when I tried it with VC++8 it seemed 
to work.

 > with tango's dmain2.d the debugger
> can only show the stacktrace to that throw statement, which is useless.
> to fix this, the code needs to be more like the original dmain2, not
> using a try/catch block at all, if cr_trapException=false.

So the debugger would set cr_trapExceptions=false before C main is even 
executed?  Okay, I can change that.


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