
Radu radu.racariu at void.space
Mon May 28 11:40:32 PDT 2007

HessianD (http://www.dsource.org/projects/hessiand/)
A D implementation of the Hessian (http://caucho.com/hessian) binary web
service protocol.
Supports both the client and the server model.

Client sample:

import hessian.HttpProxy :
import tango.io.Stdout;

char[] echo(char[] param);

void main ()

     // create a Http proxy on the given Http endpoint so we can post
our Hessian stream
     scope service = new HttpProxy("http://localhost:5667/hessiantest");

     // create a proxy method that will do the Hessian serialization
and deserialization
     auto _echo = &service.proxy!(echo);

     // we'll perform the remote call and display the result
     Stdout ("Remote result: ") ( _echo("Hello World!") ).newline.flush;


Server sample:

import hessian.HttpServer:

class impl
	char[] echo (char[] param)
	  return param;

void main()
     // create a Http server on the given port
     auto server = new Server(5667);
     // attach a context with the Http endpoint and the class
implementing the method
     auto context = server.addContext!(impl)("/test/hessiantest");
     // bind the method to the context created
     // and finally start listenning to Http Post requests

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