Toiby; #14 an rising

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at
Mon Nov 5 18:25:56 PST 2007

BCS wrote:

It's interesting; if you look at the deltas between now and exactly one
year ago, the only language with a faster growth than D (+1.02%) is Ruby

And check out these deltas:

C		-3.23%
C++		-2.03%
Perl		-1.49%
C#		+0.89%
Visual Basic	+0.76%
JavaScript	+0.62%
Python		+0.59%

Clearly, people are no longer listening to Dijkstra :P  Visual Basic has
actually gone up over C++, which is frankly kinda scary.

As usual, Tiobe, grain of salt; but it's interesting none the less.

	-- Daniel

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