DStudy v1.2.0-zh_CN

Lionello Lunesu lionello at lunesu.remove.com
Sun Nov 18 00:06:09 PST 2007

I think it looks nice, but of course, everything is in Chinese :(

My first suggestion would be to include the source of the program itself. 
Downloading an archive from a chinese site and running an exe inside that 
archive might not appeal to many people....

Also, it's too bad that I can't write "void main() {}" in the code window 
and click "run": it complains about object.d not being found. I suppose I 
have to put a path to phobos somewhere. Would be nice if it would work with 
the default dir structure 'out of the box'.

But the idea sure is nice. Let's translate it into english and it will be 
useful for many! :)


"z_axis" <z_axis at 163.com> wrote in message news:op.t1xwbhaa1uofcn at sw2wolf...
> download1:
> http://www.mediafire.com/?3zh0m52i4tt
> download2:
> http://dlang.group.javaeye.com/topics/download/03681a9f-4579-4a6b-bf33-b3d2085cd196
> Any suggestion is appreciated! 

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