SimpleXMLD XML Parser 0.0.1

Brian Hsu brianhsu.hsu at
Tue Oct 2 19:49:59 PDT 2007

fumanchu Wrote:

> Are you considering XPath query also?
> - Kris

Yes, but I'm just starting reading some XPath tutorial, so it may take an while before I could implement it.

And there is also a high probabilities that I would just implement a subset of it instead of all operator of XPath query.

For Example:
// Access Select middle BBB element(s) :
BBB[position() = floor(last() div 2 + 0.5) or position() = ceiling(last() div 2 + 0.5) ] may not be implemented.

Because currently I think the goal of SimpleXMLD is let user easily access XML as a tree structure without having to much knowledge about so many standard, parsing method or jargon that they do not know.

So XPath in my current thought, it is just a way that user could easily access nodes in XML tree structure when they are already know the structure of XML tree in SimpleXMLD.

They could use query like '/AAA/BBB/CCC' to access third level child and //BBB to access all child named BBB instead of writing much D code to do lots of tedious things like search the whole tree for nodes that are named BBB.

Since it is very easy when you could get all BBB node in an array and calculate the middle of array index to get the middle BBB node, using above XPath query will not save much computation time or memory space(because all node object are already in system memory), but just an overhead for library to process the query.

Brian Hsu

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