Function Hijacking article

Aarti_pl aarti at
Thu Oct 18 04:45:37 PDT 2007

Walter Bright pisze:
> (this is what my talk at NWCPP will be on tonight)
> Digg:
> Reddit:

Very nice article!

Just please add inheritance (': A') in "Derived Class Member Function 
Hijacking #2", which is missing currently.

I finally got completely convinced for D inheritance way :-)

I noticed also in my implementation of ProgramOptions that such a 
behavior allows to hide base class implementation, making it possible to 
make better structured programs, compile time checked for functions usage:

// General base class
class A {
	// General implementation good for most of subclasses
	void opCall(int a, int b, int c) {}

// Specific implementation
class B : A {
	// Specific implementation for this class
	// Calling general implementation should not be allowed
	void opCall(char[] text) {}

Now you have compile time checking for B.opCall() and hidden base class 
methods opCall().

Really sweet!

Marcin Kuszczak
(aarti_pl -

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