D Installler

BCS ao at pathlink.com
Sat Sep 29 09:33:46 PDT 2007

Reply to Lester,

> BCS Wrote:
> Post the specifics and grant me a liscense allowing to host those
> batch files or write them out at runtime and I think I could get it
> done. It would use 2 different dmd installations because I can't get
> mine to allow the same dmd installlation to do phobos and tango.
>> make that tango and/or phobos if you can. I have my machine set up to
>> switch back and for with batch files. I can post specifics if you
>> want.

Mine works with only one copy of dmd. As you can see the trick is to get 
the configuration set in environment variables rather than in the config 
file. It has the down side is that you need to run phobos.bat or tango.bat 
before you can compile anything. Alternately, one set of environment variables 
could be added to the default set for the system and then just have people 
run the other .bat as needed. I's a bit inelegant if you are going back and 
forth a lot, but it seems to work for the most part.


set DFLAGS=-Ic:\include\tango\trunk\ C:\include\tango\trunk\lib\usergdi32.lib 
set lib=c:\include\tango\trunk\lib


set DFLAGS=-Ic:\dmd\src\phobos\
set LIB="C:\dmd\lib\"

and the magic part: sc.ini (note commented out lines)


You can use these for whatever you want.

BTW I have only tested the tango side enough to known I can build a hello 
world. But if there are any problems the fix should be simple.

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