DWin 0.38 released

yidabu yidabu.spam at gmail.com
Tue Aug 5 17:43:47 PDT 2008

DWin is a library for the D Programming language, Packages included in DWin cover such areas as : Windows COM client programming, PCRE Regular Expression, Send Email, Loads an ini style file(muliti line supported), Create Windows shortcut, SQLite D wrapper and more... 

DWin 0.38 has been released, tested with DMD 1.033 and Tango 0.99.7 on Windows (should works on Linux)

Download DWin 

Anyone is free to suggest or contribute to DWin.

== Why DWin ==

* dwin.core.com : 

    ported juno.com to Tango to support Windows COM stuff.

* dwin.sys.win32.Registry: 

    ported juno.utils.registry to Tango. 

* dwin.sys.win32.ie : 

    wrappers of Windows Internet Exploer functions.
* dwin.sys.win32.ShellLink :

    Create shortcut on Windows.

* dwin.net.smtp.MailSender: 

    Send Email via Windows cdosys.dll.

* dwin.text.Properties: 

    Loads an ini style file. 
    tango.text.Properties does not support multi lines value and section. 
    Sometimes, you can use this module instead.

* dwin.text.pcre :

	The Regular Expression module in D based on the PCRE lib by iceeLyne.
* dwin.database.sqlite :

	SQLite database D wrapper by iceeLyne.    

    And more...

== Download ==

 * svn     : svn co http://svn.dsource.org/projects/dwin/trunk dwin

 * stable  : http://www.dsource.org/projects/dwin/changeset/223/trunk?old_path=%2F&format=zip

== Building ==

Assume DWin installed to D:\d\dwin

Building a static library of DWin, Just :

''' 1 ''' Download and install DSSS from 
[http://www.dsource.org/projects/dsss DSSS]

''' 2 ''' Copy D:\d\dwin\dsss.conf to D:\d\dsss.conf

''' 3 ''' run
	dsss build dwin 

== Suggestions ==

Make suggestions and ask questions in the : 

[http://www.dsource.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=163 DSource Forum]

[http://bbs.d-programming-language-china.org/ D语言论坛(Chinese)]

== Home ==

[http://www.dsource.org/projects/dwin/ DWin on DSource]

[http://dwin.d-programming-language-china.org/ D语言库DWin(Chinese)]

[http://www.d-programming-language-china.org/ D语言(Chinese)]

[http://scite4d.d-programming-language-china.org/ D语言IDE,D语言编辑器SciTE4D(Chinese)]

== Submissions ==

If you've got some Tango based code lying around that you think everyone could benefit from let us know!  

== History ==

16 Oct 2007, DWin 0.10 released

21 Oct 2007, DWin 0.20 released

16 Dec 2007, DWin 0.30 released

10 Feb 2008, DWin 0.35 released

3 Mar 2008, DWin 0.36 released

7 May 2008, DWin 0.37 released

6 August 2008, DWin 0.38 released

yidabu <yidabu.spam at gmail.com>

D 语言-中文(D Chinese):

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