New DigitalMars D newsgroups/forum

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at
Wed Dec 17 14:00:23 PST 2008

"Denis Koroskin" <2korden at> wrote in message 
news:op.umaaglh1o7cclz at worker...
> I have been working on new newsgroups archive last few days.  This is an 
> newsgroup posts archive structured in a way so that it feels more like a 
> forum (that's what you demanded, right?).

Did I?  I don't remember....

> Forum theme is copyrighted and needs to be changed by something free.


> Feedback, bugs detected, suggestions etc are *very* much appreciated!

1. There seem to be a lot of broken links.  If they're to functionality you 
haven't implemented yet, then remove these links until you have.  The user 
shouldn't have to hunt and peck to find out what works and what doesn't.

2. Speaking of broken links, is there any chance of the 404 page being 
translated into English?

3. You neglect to convert characters that have special meanings in HTML. 
This causes some posts to display incorrectly.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"><!--
window.parent.document.title='XSS exploit!';
// --></script>

4. How about auto-linking URLs?



My e-mail address is valid but not my primary mailbox.  Please keep replies 
on the 'group where everybody may benefit. 

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