Descent 0.5.3 released

Tim M a at
Sat Dec 20 23:00:25 PST 2008

I dont think the allround ide is a problem anymore with eclipse available.  
Whats missing is a good gui builder. If you know of one other than entice  
though can you please reply with the links.

On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 18:50:31 +1300, dsimcha <dsimcha at> wrote:

> == Quote from Ary Borenszweig (ary at's article
>> The Descent plugin for Eclipse provides an IDE for writing, launching
>> and debugging code in D.
>> Explanations on how to get it from within Eclipse are here:
>> (There's no need to do the nightly-build manual stuff for this. If you
>> previously had a nightly-build, you must need to remove it before
>> updating. Anyway, the current nightly-build reflects this release, so
>> you can just do it manually if it turns out easier for you.)
>> This release is just an accumulation of small features and bug fixes
>> since the last (official, not nightly-build) version. But since I don't
>> want everyone to think "Aww, nothing new, just a new number", this
>> release also includes support for array "extension methods" in
>> autocompletion. For this to work, the function that you want to use as
>> an extension must be in the current module, or already imported (so for
>> example you won't get methods from std.algorithm, tango.core.Array or
>> tango.text.Util until you have an import for them in the module you are
>> currently typing in).
>> Here's a video that shows this functionality:
>> And a question: what would you like to see next in Descent?
>> Any suggestion, critic or bug report is welcome. You can use:
>> - the forums:
>> - trac:
>> - irc: at freenode, #d.descent
>> Enjoy!
> Awesome!  How far along is semantic support for D2?  I'd really like a  
> real IDE
> for D2, but I guess not having one is the price I pay for living on the  
> bleeding edge.

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