The D/Objective-C Bridge 0.2

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Thu Jan 10 18:25:15 PST 2008

I'm announcing version 0.2 of the D/Objective-C bridge. Here are the 
major improvement:

*  Now compiles and work correctly on Macs with Intel processors.
*  Reduced the number of functions involved in the the function/method
   call bridge to reduce the noise when looking at the call stack
   from the debugger.
*  Dramatically reduced the size of the templates that need to be
   instanciated at import time. As a result, compiling a module that
   include the Cocoa class wrappers (including compiling the wrapper
   themselves) is much faster now.
*  Added wrappers for many classes from the Cocoa framework (many of
   them are still incomplete or subject to change).

If anyone wants to play with it, you can find it here:


Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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