DShade - a 3d software rasterizer

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Fri Jan 18 21:26:15 PST 2008

Tom S wrote:
> Heya! I've written a short note about a 3d software rasterizer I've 
> programmed in D some time ago as a final project for my "Graphics and 
> Multimedia" course. You can read about it on my freshly created devlog: 
> http://h3.team0xf.com/devlog/?p=5
> Sorry for not posting about it before; I've had weird issues with DShade 
> crashing, but they have magically disappeared with the recent DMD and 
> Phobos ( so I'll pretend the issues don't exist anymore :P ).

Nice!  Is there an API or do you have to create a model file to render 
anything?  With an API and the ability to render to a buffer you have a 
neat way to render small textures in the background using just CPU 
power.  Probably going to be many nifty things you can do with that over 
the next few years as #of procs increases.


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