Snapshot 0.6.1

janderson askme at
Fri Jun 6 08:18:30 PDT 2008

Chris R. Miller wrote:
> janderson Wrote:
>> Chris R. Miller wrote:
>>> Allegro DLL files will automatically install to C:\Windows\System32 so 
>>> you don't have to mess around with all that rot.
>> This is actually a problem for me.  The install won't finish because I 
>> don't have my windows installed under C:\Windows\System32, Its in 
>> D:\win2\System32.   There are various ways to get windows system32 path. 
>>   The installer tool your using should have some special path for it.
> Good grief!  I rationalized not looking up the docs for the System32 location by assuming that there aren't many people who install to locations other than C:\Windows\system32.

Yeah, the main reason I have windows installed there is that it's like 
the 7th time I've had to re-install it.  So you can blame MS.

> Stoopid me.
> Oh well... Murphy's law.  The moment I stop assuming the worst, the worst will happen.  In this case, the worst possible is that someone installed to somewhere other than C:\Windows\System32.
> I'll make a new installer when I get back home to my build machine.



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